The Journey

Do you feel tightness, pain and tension? Do you sometimes wonder if the answers lie within your body? It has an inner wisdom. Massage separates you from stress, inspiring your body's innate healing process. The result is powerful, yet gentle transformation.

Did you know…

90% of disease is stress-related. Massage is an effective tool for stress-management.… and it feels great.

I am intuitive, often sensing trauma and pain in my client’s body and helping them release what they don’t need.

Cranial-sacral work offers guidance and sets my intention for your session. I specialize in frozen shoulders, ongoing neck pain, and migraines caused by tension headaches, always letting your body lead the way.

For some practitioners, massage is mainly about relaxation. I go deeper with each client, ensuring long-term changes.

Anam Cara means “soul friend” in Gaelic. I strive to be a soul friend to every client, providing integrity, intention and compassion so that health and healing can occur.